Friday, March 1, 2013

Healing, Learning, Loving and Growing in 2013.

2013 thus far, has been a great year! My knee has finally (thank GOD!)  started to get it's strength back and I am gaining my confidence back athletically. It's crazy how long this healing process has taken and how intense it has been. It has truly tested my endurance and my patience more than I could have imagined possible! I'm thankful for my trainer, Tammy Reno, who has stuck with me thick and thin, even when I was on the verge of giving up, and helped keep me pushing for my goals. I'm still not quite there but I am closer than I have been and I finally have the drive to get there! Thank you Tammy and Advant-Edge Training. You are the best! 

Here's a picture of us working out outside at Hideaway Park. We have amazing outdoor workouts. I'm looking forward to the summer just so we can do our workouts outside again!!

This season, I took a job in the Winter Park Central Reservations Call Center after returning from our insurance adjusting work at Hurricane Sandy. I wasn't sure how my knee would hold up for skiing everyday and was hesitant to ski and coach this year. My "office job" has been quite the change of pace for me but has been a good break for my knee. 

However, to say I have missed skiing and coaching my WP team and working with Jeremie would be an understatement! It's been tough not being around the kids and getting to ski every day. I've missed it so much. I have only been able to ski roughly10 days this season... which you could guess is not really doing it for me :)

This season has been a time of change, growth and realization for me. I have learned a lot about myself through the changes, what I want and what I don't want. I have grown in the sense that I am learning to plan for my future not as much in "how much money I can make" and stressing about having "enough" but doing what I am passionate about and what I love. I believe there is a balance between the two but it is vital to your success and happiness to do what you love and love what you do. Crazy, huh? I probably already knew that but somewhere in the stress I lost sight of that. I'm glad I have it back!!

I've also grown in the sense that I am learning to trust in the Lord with ALL my heart. I am strong-willed woman and like to take matters into my own hands when I feel circumstances are not going my way instead of waiting, listening for direction and praying for wisdom. I've been learning to be patient and wait for direction in my life. I am thankful to all my friends, family and husband who have helped me stay on track and held me accountable.  

In the meantime, Bjorn and I have been working on our insurance adjusting, taking classes, getting more licenses for states, getting State Farm certified and doing whatever we can to become more available and qualified to be deployed. We were able to go to Hurricane Sandy and get some much-needed experience working in the field. We learned a lot and were able to get our feet wet which was a answer to prayer for us! We are hoping to continue our work in the adjusting world and are excited for the opportunity that awaits us!

In the meantime, I'm gonna ski as much as I can, get my knee to 100% health and strength, enjoy this beautiful place we live and trust God to go before us. And, as always, keep snuggling and loving on my sweet dog friends :) They keep me happy and smiling all the time!

Everyone say hello to Emma! She's one of my faves :) Along with many others!! I just love this pic!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mt. Hood with the WP Freeski Team

ur Winter Park Freeski Team had the amazing opportunity to go to Windell's Ski and Snowboard camp this summer. What a great experience and a great group of kids! This year, I went as a coach. We had 14 kids total.... wild and out of control!! Just kidding. Well, it was wild but we stayed in control most of the time :) We went for a total of 2 weeks and had such an amazing time I think all of us, plus more, will be returning next year for more fun and great memories to be made. 

Here's a pic of our some of our team members with our new friend, Sean, we met at the Windell's skate park. Sean was 11 years old and RIPPING this skate park hard! It was amazing to watch!! We decided to get his autograph now since we will most likely be seeing him in the X games in a few years! 

We rented humongous, sweet house right on the river in Mt. Hood. Just the stay at the home itself was amazing!! Right off our balcony was this view of the river... can't beat that!! The kids and us coaches really enjoyed the house! It also had a hot tub, which on a ski trip is an essential item!!

The skiing, for the beginning of July, was UNREAL! They had so much snow, so many features to play on and the size of their jumps was crazy! They had great jumps and even a 70 and 100 footer! Pretty awesome. This trip was different for me than most summer camps I've been to because 1. I am still healing from my knee surgery and was not allowed to hit any features (minus one refrigerator box which was great) and 2. I was a coach instead of just an athlete! 

Overall, despite my heartache from not being able to participate in the fun on the features, I had a WONDERFUL time!! My favorite part?! Watching the kids learn new tricks. It's so awesome to watch and be a part of the kids improving and enjoying such an awesome sport! This trip I worked mostly with the girls. We had fun time and definitely bonded over those 2 weeks! I'm SO proud of everyone for pushing yourself and getting after it!! You guys ROCK!

Along with skiing, there were 2 other highlights which stand out on this trip.

 #1: Burton Ladies' night at Windells. Us girls had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. We just though it might be a dance party or something... right?!! WRONG. You get blindfolded and get a partner and put makeup on them with your eyes closed. Let's just say.... HILARIOUS!!!! My partner happened to win the entire thing!! She won a new backpack and helmet. It was great. We laughed so hard we almost peed our pants a lil bit :)

#2: We went to the punch bowls and found a nice picnic spot and a great little cliff to jump off into FREEZING FREEZING cold water (yes, I said freezing 2x... because it was THAT COLD!). Everyone eventually jumped in, me being last (had to get my courage up).  It was a beautiful little spot along the river and quite a memorable and fun time.  Here's one of the boys gettin' er done. 

Lunch time on the river... and on the mountain! Could you eat lunch in a prettier place?!! I think not :)

And as always, the trip had to come to an end even though I'm sure we could have all stayed there for the summer. The drive there and back was 20 hours and actually went by very fast. Next year I am looking forward to returning and being 100% healthy and able to join in on the skiing! However, in spite of that, I had the time of my life. Thanks to everyone who came and I'm looking forward to next year!! WHOO!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Micro-fracture Knee Surgery: On the Road to Recovery: Just keep swimming...

Today is May 10th, which means I am 6 months and 5 days out of my micro-fracture knee surgery. What a long, grueling, emotional roller coaster it's been! And unfortunately it's not over. However, I'm a strong believer that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. ahhhh. I hate saying it but it's SO TRUE!

I have been rehabbing and training hard with my trainer, Tammy Reno (who, thank God for her, I don't know where I would be without her help and expertise), to get back to 100% strength. I never imagined it would be this difficult. After 2 ACL reconstructions, I thought this micro-fracture cartilage surgery would be a cakewalk compared to the ACL. Boy, was I wrong!! After 6 months and lots of tears and time in the gym, I've still got a ways to go. I can finally feel small improvements. The pain is still there, but I can feel my left leg getting stronger. 

I am getting to that point where I need to push myself mentally and stay strong emotionally, which is very difficult for me to do. Exactly a year ago I was in the best shape of my life and here I am now, struggling to bend my knee in a lunge and still, not quite allowed to run or jump (June 5th I should get the release from the doc... I really can't WAIT ANY LONGER!!). I'm frustrated at how out-of-shape I feel and the pain that still occurs on a day-to-day basis. All I can do now is keep pushing.... keep pushing and keep pushing. 

I love the movie "Finding Nemo" well one because it's obviously awesome and two because the quote: "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming." And sometimes, it's as SIMPLE AS THAT! Keep on keeping on, perservere, and don't give up! 

As much as I sometimes want to throw in the towel, I won't ever let myself do that. Despite the tears, the doubt, the pain and the fear, I won't give up. It may take me a year or more to be back to 100% athletic shape, but I can do it. One day at a time. I know it won't be easy... but it will most definitely be worth it! And the things I'm looking forward to doing most: skiing, DANCE PARTIES, running, mountainbiking, and being free from pain! 

Yeah. Can't wait to slide a box and hit a jump once again. That will be a WONDERFUL day for me! :) 

Friday, January 20, 2012

A tribute to Sarah Burke

My favorite skier of all time, Sarah Burke, passed away yesterday. She was my idol. My hero. She lived her life to the fullest and loved life. I had the privilege of getting to know Sarah when I went to summer ski camp in Whistler at Momentum. I was lucky enough to go 2 summers for a session. Each time I got the chance to ski with her and she taught me a lot. She also made me laugh a lot! She was a fun girl with a great attitude and lots of spunk.
I will never forget her and will always ski for her. I will miss her dearly. Thanks Sarah for everything you did for women's freeskiing. We wouldn't be where we are today without you!! Much love your way and look forward to skiing with you in the afterlife. xoxo


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011: Beyond Blessed

Wow! What a year 2011 has been for me. I can't express my thankfulness because I have SO MUCH to be thankful for!!

I want to Thank God for bringing my wonderful husband into my life. Our first 2 months of marriage have been great and I'm looking forward to more great things to come. Bjorn is unselfish, caring, loving, and always fun to be around. He inspires me with his great attitude in any situation he is in. I am, literally, beyond blessed to have him by my side.

I also want to thank God for my amazing family and friends. God has blessed me with a family who loves me. I'm thankful for my mom and dad and the great example they have set in my life. I'm thankful for my sister who has also always set a great example in my life and loves me. I'm thankful for my friends who push me to be the best I can be and also love me for who  I am. I don't know where I'd be without these people God has placed in my life.

Along with family, I'm thankful for my health and the ability to ski and coach skiing. I love skiing, working with the Winter Park Freeride team and having the ability to still do the things I do on skis. I had the chance this summer to go to Woodward at Copper for about 3 weeks and ski there with kids from across the country. I love being able to ski and sharing that love with others! 

I am also thankful for my jobs. I thank God for my job at The Sushi Bar... which I LOVE!! I love the peeps I work with!! I also am thankful for my coaching job at the Resort and my dogsitting jobs. I'm thankful for animals and the unconditional love they continually show! Thank you!! You make my life better. 

I know I am blessed beyond my own knowledge by a God who loves me more than I know. I am thankful for his grace in my life and the lessons he has taught me. I'm praying that he'll continue to work in my life and use me. I'm beyond blessed this thanksgiving and every day of my life.